Express delivery and free returns within 24 hours

How can we help?

Please feel welcome to contact our friendly reception staff with any general or medical inquiry. Our Pharmacist will receive or return any urgent calls.

    Our Location

    Visit EAN Pharmaceuticals today for a free consultation with our pharmacist.
    Address:14 Azikiwe Road, Old GRA Port Harcourt beside Buy Plus Shopping Mall
    Work Hours:Mon - Sun: 8.00am - 8.00pm
    EAN Pharmaceuticals
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.
    2307 Beverley Rd Brooklyn, New York 11226 U.S.